Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Remember how

I posted earlier about how more and more I've been catching in on all the discussions on politics? Yeah, it's just getting worse. I didn't think it was possible, but the arguments that I usually eavesdrop in during the middle of class have actually been deteriorating. I'm actually kind of disappointed.

This is one of those blogs that's so late that I don't know what to do about it. So I'm just going to ramble? To be fair, I've read most of these other kids' blogs, and mostly they come in diary rantings or consumer reviews. Which, as far as excuses go, is a poor one, but I'm desperate. I need to get to 400 hundred words and simply by stating that I'm getting there.

But that doesn't mean I haven't been writing! Just mostly fiction, which does nothing I suppose for an AP Comp class, because the entire point of these blogs is to help build research skills and argument building. Which I don't think everyone has caught on yet? Anyway I try not to post an argument that I haven't fully rounded yet or at least have three sources to help support evidence. That's because while my standards are actually very low, I haven't succumbed to the pressure to write about what kinds of tennis shoes to wear yet and why...Aren't most arguments supposed to beget from conflict? Mostly I see a lot of blogs doing the whole 4 out of 5 stars or whatever.

This is literally an entire blog post of me just rambling. I'd say I'm sorry, but I'm really not. I'm tired. I drank a cream soda and now I have heartburn. I'm being a complete brat and deciding that my problems are more important than everyone else. At least I'm self-aware? Who knows.

Oh my god, I just checked word count and this thing is still only at 300 words. WHY. Can I write about how excited I am about the new Supernatural season premiering tomorrow? Because I so am. Season GR8 HAS RISEN. I'm excited but nervous, because last season was done really really realllyyyy poorly. Boring plot line, throw away characters, a lot of plot holes and loose ends. AND THERE WAS SO MUCH POTENTIAL BECAUSE CAS WAS A LEVIATHAN FOR LIKE TWO EPISODES and there could have been such character development and drama but instead the writer's just dropped it like a hot potato when the potato WAS GOLD.

I'm going to go elsewhere...because this train don't stop.

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